Sunday, August 12, 2007

MG/par 129(a) repression - germany

Different groups had called for a spontaneous manifestation at the prison in Moabit, where the four prisoners Axel, Florian, Oliver und Andrej arrested at the 31st of July are hold in custody. They are accused of being members of the “militante gruppe”.

Around 200-250 people came to show their solidarity with the prisoners. The content of the manifestation was oriented on the good call to the manifestation that you can find here (

According to the police a planned action that has been prevented by the police had lead to the arrests of the four comrades. Especially if one considers the scheduled continuation of the deployment of the german army Bundeswehr to Afghanistan, to be decided by parliament in September, a successful sabotage of arms production and concretely of Bundeswehr-trucks would have been a nice rising-to-speak of the radical left.

Among the various statements at the manifestation were those of the Initiative Zukunft Bethanien [a local initiative against anti-social restructuring of the city and for the squatted social centre Bethanien], the tenants-initiative Mieterladen Kreuzigerstraße, the network of political prisoners, Mediaspree-versenken [also aimed against gentrification] and of TAYAT. Meanwhile declarations of solidarity came from the International Communists Berlin, Ulla Jelpke (left party) and the scientific board of ATTAC. Numerous banners were brought to express solidarity and demand freedom for all political prisoners.

In parts the preventive controls of the police were quiet sharp, not only looking into bags but touching all persons that had not found their way around the cops.

Another possibility to show solidarity with the anti-militarists imprisoned will be the demonstration against the extension of the deployment of the Bundeswehr to Afghanistan at the 15th of September 2007, starting at 12 at the Rotes Rathaus [Alexanderplatz] in Berlin. There will be a radical left block on this demonstration, as there will be one the following week on the demo against the Schäuble [minister of interior] surveillance-state.

Website in support of the 4 prisoners and the 3 accused:

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